Wednesday, September 16, 2009

the worst human creation ever...

This post will drift just slightly from the usual for me but as of recently this issue has come up several times and I'm compelled to share the burden.

"Sex trafficking is a massive global enterprise based upon force, coercion and deception. Traffickers transport or detain their victims for the purpose of exploitation and profit through acts of sexual violence. This trade in rape for profit victimizes thousands of women and children every year."  via

This is heinous.  To take even 5 minutes and think about the realities of this criminal activity is to enter into a battery of emotions that can bring even the toughest of men to tears.  Last week, thanks to twitter, an organization called 'love146' was brought to my attention.  This, in addition to recently meeting Caleb Lange who works with 'sixty1' and finally seeing Taken, the 2008 movie starring Liam Neeson, has continued the barrage on my heart and so I'm prompted to share.

I don't pretend to know everything about the sex trade "industry" and haven't actually met anyone who was trafficked before but with the limited exposure I've had my guts have been ripped out and I don't think I'll ever be able to let this issue go from my mind.  I would encourage you to spend some time looking at the organizations I mentioned above as well as reading materials on human trafficking and efforts that are under way to end the sex trade and modern-day slavery.

Here are some resources and organizations:
State Dept. Trafficking in Persons report, 2009 
Not For Sale 
Initiative Against Sexual Trafficking 
FBI Initiatives 
Department of Justice

No one person, organization or country will be able to end this atrocity but together perhaps over time we can all change the course of thousands of people's lives.  I encourage you to look into this and search out a way you can get involved.  Pass your knowledge on to others and encourage them to do the same.  Let's end this!


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